Find Your Voice, Own Your Story

You have a story in you. It’s time to be the Shero/Hero of your Story instead of being defeated by it.

Once you write your story you can then share your wisdom and insights with others. You will learn so much about yourself and the main characters in your life. By fully inhabiting the characters in your life you will finally be free of your judgments of even the most challenging antagonists in your life. Out of your head and onto the page. 

Have you lived through something that might have taken someone else down – but you were able to grab the lessons and not only survive but thrive? Or are you in the middle of it but you can see the way out and just know your story will help other people?

Find out how to heal from your story, see it and yourself with new eyes, use your talents fully and inspire others with performance and presentation skills to share your message with others so you can change more lives including your own.


As your story coach I will help you find your voice.

  • Work with you interactively to draw out the stories that are wanting to be told.

  • Reflect back to you where the pain points, blocks and opportunities for healing may lie.

  • Help you see yourself, your story and your voice as important and worthy to be shared.

  • Support you with emotionally therapeutic techniques to address the vulnerability, and profoundly heal past wounds and patterns.

  • Assist you in bringing your story to the page, the stage, the screen, canvas, podcast or any number of other creative outlets and expressions that your heart is longing for.


Benefits of Voice & Story Coaching:

  • Feel supported by deep listening and heartfelt caring by an intuitive coach and mentor as you learn to voice your authentic self and create your soul's expression.

  • Trust your Intuition to gain clarity about your career and life direction.

  • Transform fears such as “Am I enough?” or “I’m afraid I won’t ever make enough money doing what I love”  so that you trust your inner guidance.

  • Heal from the past so that you can release resistance to expressing your gifts and start attracting the people, resources, and circumstances to support your heart's desires.

  • Know your value and your worth, so that you become more visible in your career and attract the abundance you deserve.

  • Connect to Spirit and your Soul's guidance for inspiration, confidence, and purpose so that you stay centered and focused on your goals.

  • Take Inspired Action to create your soul's purpose and heart-centered work.

Creative By Nature

The beauty of nature inspires. Stepping away from the blank page, canvas or Word doc is essential to connect to sources of creative flow that unlock our inner genius. When we stay stuck in the boxes of our houses, offices and minds we can feel painfully frozen, comparing ourselves with others or giving into resistance. A practice of regular connection with Nature not only shakes off the cobwebs, it restores our vitality, lifts our spirits and delights our inner muse. These alternative ways of working together are powerful approaches to healing. When we choose to use our voice to tell our story the pot gets stirred. It takes great courage to keep going and the way is made easier when a therapeutic view is taken. Stories are transformational especially when healing is given a place at the table. Ask me about these out-of-the-box support systems so that your voice can ring out and your story be heard:

1) Sessions held outdoors: in a nature location or in the presence of horses;

2) Rites of Passage: co-created nature ceremonies to honor challenges, changes in age stage, relationships at home and work, transitions, loss and grief;

3) Spirit-Quest Journeys: individually designed experiences to meet a deeper longing for having one’s own True Nature seen and celebrated within Nature Herself.

“We live in a time where each of us will be asked to reach deeper, speak more bravely, live more from the fierce perspectives of the poetic imagination; find the lines already written inside us: poetry does not take surface political sides, it is always the conversation neither side is having, it is the breath in the voice about to discover itself only as it begins to speak, and it is that voice firmly anchored in a real and touchable body, standing on the ground of our real, inhabited world, speaking from a source that lives and thrives at the threshold between opposing sides we call a society.”  - David Whyte

“We live in a time where each of us will be asked to reach deeper, speak more bravely, live more from the fierce perspectives of the poetic imagination; find the lines already written inside us: poetry does not take surface political sides, it is always the conversation neither side is having, it is the breath in the voice about to discover itself only as it begins to speak, and it is that voice firmly anchored in a real and touchable body, standing on the ground of our real, inhabited world, speaking from a source that lives and thrives at the threshold between opposing sides we call a society.” - David Whyte

Let’s Reclaim the Freedom & Joy In Your Life

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Next Steps:

For a complimentary 30-minute consultation email for appointment availability. This will be a time to ask each other questions and discover how we may move forward together. Consultations may be held by phone, FaceTime or Zoom.

We may then schedule a first session to go deeper and determine what type and length of a coaching program will best address your concerns. All coaching program recommendations are designed with your unique situation in mind. As a result, rates will vary according to the program chosen from the menu of options provided.


“I believe that – if you are serious about a life of writing, or indeed about any creative form of expression – that you should take on this work like a holy calling.”

— Elizabeth Gilbert