Bring Kamakshi to perform at your organization, conference, community or college to inspire culture change conversations.
Namba Performing Arts Space New Playwrights Splash Festival 47 S. Oak St. in Ventura CA Saturday Oct 19th at 7pm
Book ‘Resilient AF’ to promote awareness of mental health, supporting survivors and becoming trauma-informed.

"How can you resist this magical creature and her lovely fiery hair taking on the world, facing every adversity and setback victoriously with her glorious feminine mystique. Bravo Kamakshi!"
- Samantha Simmons-Ronceros, NoHo Arts, Hollywood Fringe 2022 (click to read full review)
Glens Falls, NY – Solo theater writer/performer/director, Kamakshi Hart’s newest show, ‘Resilient AF: Rising to the Occasion!’, is coming to The Charles Wood Theater this May as a part of Warren Washington Association for Mental Health’s advocacy for May’s Mental Health Month.
Kamakshi Hart, a trauma-informed and transformational coach shares the evolution of her own resilience, giving her audience a step-by-step guide designed to illuminate generational trauma, restore well-being and transform our collective pain through compassionate connection. She employs humor to uplift tragedy and characters such as a Super Heroine, a wise old oak tree, and a cohort of other colorful characters to save the day. Her deft use of dark comedy and her success with healing her own trauma puts her play in a unique category of its own. She expertly provides a safe space with helpful information for those who may be dealing with trauma.
Warren Washington Association for Mental Health wants to engage the community to help break the stigma around mental health and to raise awareness. By having Kamakshi Hart perform her show we are hoping to create a platform that allows us to have that conversation about mental health in a more open platform within the community. No longer is mental health a scary word. It is a prominent part of life. Mental health is part of an individual's overall wellness. Let's erase the stigma that surrounds Mental Health.
Warren Washington Association for Mental Health is a nonprofit based in Hudson Falls, NY. Founded in 1948, WWAMH mission is to improve the quality of life for those affected by mental illness and to promote the awareness and importance of mental well-being in the community. Learn more about WWAMH by visiting www.wwamh.org.
"A bold and fiercely compassionate performer. I loved this show! I challenge anyone not to!" - Samantha, NoHo Arts
"A creative genius and master storyteller. A must see!!" - David Harris
Content note: Potentially disturbing material that includes reference to sexual assault, intimate partner violence and abortion. Mature audience. Mid-teen (accompanied by an adult) and up.

"Kamakshi is a modern day Shero. Embedded in her story is the wisdom that only those who have experienced deep suffering can know. Through her truth-telling she guides us to the understanding that to live with an open heart - despite it all - is an enormous gift to the world.”
— Elizabeth Johnson
“Kamakshi is a powerhouse performer with an amazing story. The resonance of her skillful performance deeply moved me. She takes us to scary places from her past but makes us feel utterly safe while we are there. And I was delighted by her ability to find joy and humor in the most unlikely places. A beautiful and hopeful telling by a talented artist. Go see this show!”
- Joyful Raven

The Audience Is Raving…
“I love how Kamakshi portrayed emotions (shame, betrayal, resilience) as actual characters with distinct voices, perceptions, and mannerisms. It definitely brought you into her journey and made you realize how universal these emotions are. You don’t feel so alone after watching this show. Kamakshi is SUCH an inspiration. She does an astoundingly great job making a story about an internal struggle into something theatrical. You’ll leave feeling empowered (and inspired to add a few songs to your Spotify playlist)!”
- Becky Feldman
“What a tour de force! I loved everything about this show. The audience was with Kamakshi every step of the way. We felt her emotions and we cheered on her red cape wearing heroine, Resilience, as she battled inner demons for her freedom. This is masterful solo theater. A beautifully and powerfully told story of resilience in the face of trauma and the journey to healing. More people need to see it!”
- Azo Safo
“Kamakshi is a deep diver in life and art and is generous in the transmission of her lived experiences, her challenges, and graceful recovery. I love the topic around the need to be more trauma-informed. The show itself deeply educates about our need for that, for ourselves and others! I felt moved, stirred, and felt permission to cry and heal along with her. The show has powerful intentions and influence. It was an honor to receive her story.”
- TL Forsberg
“Kamakshi had the audience with her every step of the way as her superhero conquered demons and paved the way to resiliency. We cheered, laughed, cried, sang, chanted alongside her. I loved every minute. Bold, compelling & empowering, Resilient AF is a powerful story of resilience in the face of trauma. It doesn’t stop there! Through songs that were gorgeously sung by Kamakshi, character work and intimate stories, Kamakshi Hart gives us a step by step guide to heal generational trauma, maintain well being, and be truly, wholeheartedly, resilient AF! Brava, Kamakshi!”
- Tanya Thomas
“I have never heard the idea that an attack on abortion rights is a continuance of the sexual violence against women but those words were in my mind and later on my lips after your performance. Thank you for your story, and for allowing me to see things closer from your perspective so I can have that expansion in my compassion for others.”
- William Kendig
“Resilient AF was incredibly powerful and moving, especially from the male perspective. To hear the brutal honesty of what so many women experience in a male dominant world was all the more incredible as Kamakshi’s performance was captivating, even invoking several deep laughs and some chorus sing-alongs. It took a lot of courage to open up the way Kamakshi did, yet because she took the spotlight, it allowed for my own healing from dark places to take place and get closure of my own. To get that from a one-woman show, from “the other side of the fence”, truly made it a night this man will not forget any time soon.”
- Matthew
Contact Kamakshi for More Information on Speaking Topics, Trainings, Workshops and Performances!
Email: KamakshiHart@gmail.com
Kamakshi Hart, M.A. (she/her) is a stage veteran of thirty-plus years in New York, L.A. and other places throughout the country. She resides in Topanga and has a long-time private practice as a transformation coach, equine & nature-assisted counselor and rites of passage guide. In addition to being a playwright/performer and a proud member of Soaring Solo Studios created by Jessica Lynn Johnson, Kamakshi is the director and developer of Kristy Beauvais' 'The Lion, The Witch & The Walk-In Closet', which also premiered at the Hollywood Fringe 2022. Her first show, 'Wild At Hart: A Tale of Trauma & Triumph', premiered in Los Angeles at the Whitefire Theatre's Solofest 2018, invited back in 2019, 2020 and awarded a Best of the Fest Encore performance by (pandemic) livestream in September 2020. Official selection of the Santa Monica Playhouse Binge Fringe Festival 2018 with an encore in 2019, featured by the 2019 Los Angeles Women's Theatre Festival and celebrated at the Hollywood Fringe 2018 with an Encore Producer's Award and the Larry Cornwall Award for Musical Excellence. Moving and miraculous, Kamakshi's wide range of talent is showcased through her 25 characters and the songs that masterfully tell her personal tale of transformation. Urged to bring her story to the stage by the advent of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, all members of her audience regardless of background have identified with the central character of Shame.
If we are going to find our way out of shame and back to each other, vulnerability is the path and courage is the light. To love ourselves and support each other in the process of becoming real is perhaps the greatest single act of daring greatly. - Brene Brown